Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just When I Thought...

...that I was starting to be a horrible mother who made her children drone through stupid workbooks, who didn't allow her children enough creative freedom and Independence to envision something different or unique with their time and talents, that I was squelching their burgeoning industriousness by keeping them home and not allowing (or being able to afford) some sort of creative outlet outside the home...they come up with stuff like this (in the past few days alone):

("All Peoples" by Mari, age 2)

("We're building a monster truck rally!" Mari, NIklaus, and Matty)

(Trina and Weazy in watercolor and crayon resist by Analise, age 8)

("Ironman Hands" using Lego Bionicles and Lego bricks by Matthew, age 11)

("Trina and Jordan, The early years" in charcoal pencil by Trina, age 14)
(Thomas listens to a reading about the gladiators in Rome...okay, so he might have actually eaten the book and not really listened but I'm convinced he's a lot smarter than he was this morning! Age 8 months)

...I realize that learning happens in between the structured "lessons" that I lay out for them.

I realize that they are a whole lot more creative and brilliant than I could ever take credit for.

Thanks be to God.

Thank you, God, for allowing me to homeschool my children!


Therese said...

great photos Laura. Home schooling is such a joy and I know I am getting to know my children more each day because we are together everyday.

Sally said...

Hi laura! I'm back blogging again -- also I just started facebook - how ufun. I just found this blog of yours and I must say, what a wonderful way to record kids' art projects!!!! I LOVE the iron man hands. What talent!!!! Glad to see you're still running. I've been swimming.

Amanda said...

How cute! I love the two-year-old people - big round heads, big deadpan eyes and a straight line for a mouth, with arms and legs coming right out of the face. My daughter just turned three and she's starting to add little details to her giant face people but it's still the same concept. I think it's the cutest thing!

(PS - I followed your link from the Rosetta Stone blog and loooove looking at other children's artwork. We're a Catholic homeschooling family too and the kids love art!)

Unknown said...